Game Ideas – Game Design

Introduction – In this blog post I am going to be generating three game ideas for a intended game I’m going to design.

Idea 1
Idea 2
Idea 3

Idea 1

Game Inspiration – 
Luigi’s mansion (this game is a third person adventure about going round a mansion and clearing the mansion of ghosts)
Fatal Frame (This game is a third person horror story based game where you defeat enemies by capturing them in pictures)Bongcheon-dong ghost (web comic)-

Outlast – (mechanism for the flashlight and batteries) 

Type of game – Horror 

Name of game – Spirit Catch (Final Idea)

Purpose of the game – To enter different houses and capture the ghosts that are inside with a vacuum to beat the game.

Items in game – 

Flashlight- expose the ghost and make visible

Vacuum- to capture ghost (undecided)

How to find the ghosts, a story will be read at the start of the game which will give ideas where the ghost could be.

Or another purpose of the game could be all you have a flashlight and to keep the flashlight running you need batteries which are located round the map, the idea is to navigate round the map without any real threat as all the ghosts are ugly looking but just sad, eventually you stumble onto the area where the evil ghost is and it kills you

What’s important to be able to execute this idea:

This is based on world building and setting on things that are going to happen. The atmosphere will be set through seeing the ghosts and finding the notes building up the story to where things get worse. I feel like much more level design and planning needs to be put into the game before 

Idea 2

Game inspiration –
Micro Machines –
Circuit Breakers –

Type of game –
Top down, racing

Purpose of the game – 
Win the race and finish first

Items in game – 
Player car,
AI programmed cars
Different race tracks

A simple top down racing game that would follow miniature cars race round a track and the player would try to get first in the race. I like the idea of using inspiration from the hot wheel tracks.

Idea 3

Game inspiration  –
Anna Kournikova Smash Court Tennis –
Topspin 3 –

Type of game – 
Sports, Tennis

Purpose of the game – 
Beat the enemy in a game of tennis

Items in the game – 
Court (playable area)

A chibi tennis style of game which the player faces other opponents and other game modes like a version of brick break etc

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