Major Project – Development 05 and Level Design Second Level

Introduction: In this blog post I am going to be creating a way for the player to transition to the next scene and also starting to build the second level design.

I am going to approach making the level transition to the next scene using the scene management tool through a collision with an object.

So I created a game object and called it “next level”, attaching a script to it called “NextLevelScript”.

Next Level Script:

This script simply triggers when the player object collides with the next level object and runs the next level function that increments the next scene in the build index. This can be adjusted in the build settings for the order that the scenes will increment in.

Creating Level 2:

Originally I was going to have a staircase for the next level script to be attached to but I decided against that because I thought it would take up to much room in the start of the second level. The second level increases with difficulty from the first level implementing different enemies and dangers that could kill you such as the mold and flying enemies. What could be better

Made the traps bigger so the jumps were more difficult but wanted to add a path where if learnt could make this section much easier. On the right hand side of enemies, I added more room away from the mold and the flying enemies so it is easier to time a jump to get past the section.

I reused the assets from the first level and made the colours of the wall and floor blue to signify the level has changed and also its not a prison floor.

Added this group of dead fruit as a warning to what was to come later on in the climbing area of the level

creating the other pit falls

A major problem that I was the mold kill killing the player. For some reason the mold would kill the player when jumping over it and after implementing the models, the colour changer stopped working. For some reason, I could either get the models to turn green from the collision with the mold or the player dying random even if the mold kill was triggered. I wasn’t sure how to resolve and my other thought for a solution was to change the material of the models to a different green material but the same issue was still occurring. As annoying as it was I had spent too much time trying to fix this issue and needed to move on to keep up with my time table GANT chart.

The flying enemies at first I was having some difficulty with, when I was switching in the carrot model to make the carrot flying enemy prefabs. I had not added a rigid body and the models started to spin as they would go up and down through the waypoints. The simple solution to this was to change the rigid body on the model and make it kinematic so it stopped spinning. Normally this wouldn’t be possible if the movement hadn’t been controlled by code but because it is I can get away with it.

In this section of the design I decided to change the start to the climbing/wall bounce section of the game because i felt like the chase of mushrooms closing in on the player was more intense. This add abit more difficulty to the game because the player has less time to think and has to respond quickly to escape the chase getting to the climbing area.

The collection of dead fruit for the premonition shown earlier on in the level has been duplicated and put into the pits for the mass grave burials. Originally there was more duplicates of the dead fruit models but it started to become too intensive on the system and if i wanted to give the effect of more dead fruit I would have to do it in a different way. However for now I am happy with how it looks and will leave it as a stretch goal to come back to and try to fix.

The way that I had set up the wall bounce before meant that I had no problems when setting up the climbing/wall bounce area. The only issue that I had was setting up the jumps close enough to the wall but also making this area more difficult. So I decided some more daring jumps where the player has to wall bounce of the wall would add the right level of difficulty. Originally I was going to add in some enemies to make it more difficult but decided against it because when I was test playing it the enemies was killing me before I could beat the level. There was ways round this by making the enemies slower but I feel like it was not necessary as there are quite a few obsticals in this level already.

In next weeks blog post:

  • Level 3 creation
  • Level 3 Model creation (living quarter flats and safe room)

Many Thanks,
James Lacey

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